Uncovering the Hidden Secrets: Retrieving Reels from Instagram’s Feed using GraphQL Query Hash
Image by Cristen - hkhazo.biz.id

Uncovering the Hidden Secrets: Retrieving Reels from Instagram’s Feed using GraphQL Query Hash

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Ever wondered how to get your hands on those elusive reels hidden deep within Instagram’s feed? You’re in luck! In this article, we’ll embark on a mission to demystify the process of retrieving reels using GraphQL query hash. Buckle up, and let’s dive into the world of Instagram scraping!

The Mysterious Case of Hidden Reels

Instagram, being the visual powerhouse it is, offers an array of features to engage users. Reels, in particular, have become an essential part of the platform’s fabric. However, the clever folks at Instagram have implemented measures to keep certain reels from prying eyes. These hidden reels can be a treasure trove of valuable information, but how do we access them?

Enter GraphQL Query Hash

GraphQL, a query language developed by Facebook (Instagram’s parent company), provides a robust way to interact with Instagram’s API. By using a query hash, we can craft a bespoke request to extract the desired data, including those hidden reels. But before we get started, let’s clarify what GraphQL query hash is.

query {
  user(username: "instagram") {
    reel {

In this example, we’re using a simple GraphQL query to fetch the reel data for the user with the username “instagram”. The query hash is the unique identifier associated with this query. Think of it as a digital fingerprint that Instagram’s API can recognize and respond to.

Preparing for the Mission

Before we begin our journey, make sure you have the following:

  • An Instagram account (obviously!)
  • A basic understanding of GraphQL and its syntax
  • A compatible programming language and library for sending GraphQL requests (e.g., Python with requests library)

Acquiring the Query Hash

To retrieve the query hash, we’ll need to inspect the Instagram website’s network requests. You can do this using your browser’s developer tools or a third-party tool like Postman. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open Instagram’s website and navigate to a user’s profile page.
  2. Open your browser’s developer tools (F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I).
  3. Switch to the Network tab and filter the requests by “XHR” (XMLHttpRequest).
  4. Find the request with the endpoint “/graphql/query/” and the method “POST”.
  5. In the Request Headers, look for the “query_hash” parameter. This is the unique identifier we need.

Take note of the query hash, as we’ll use it in our subsequent requests.

Crafting the GraphQL Query

Now that we have the query hash, let’s create a GraphQL query to retrieve the hidden reels. We’ll use a Python script as an example, but you can adapt this to your preferred programming language.

import requests

query_hash = "your_query_hash_here"
user_id = "user_id_here"

query = {
  "query": "query {\n  user(id: \"%s\") {\n    reel {\n      id\n      caption\n      video_url\n    }\n  }\n}" % user_id,
  "query_hash": query_hash,
  "variables": {}

headers = {
  "Content-Type": "application/json",
  "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3"

response = requests.post("https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/", json=query, headers=headers)


In this example, we’re sending a POST request to Instagram’s GraphQL endpoint with our crafted query. The `query_hash` parameter is essential, as it helps Instagram’s API identify and respond to our request.

Handling the Response

The response from Instagram’s API will contain the reel data in JSON format. You can parse this data using your preferred method. Here’s an example of how to extract the reel information:

response_json = response.json()
reel_data = response_json["data"]["user"]["reel"]

for reel in reel_data:
  print("Reel ID:", reel["id"])
  print("Caption:", reel["caption"])
  print("Video URL:", reel["video_url"])

In this example, we’re iterating over the reel data and printing the ID, caption, and video URL for each reel.

Troubleshooting and Limitations

As with any web scraping endeavor, you may encounter obstacles. Here are some common issues and limitations to be aware of:

  • Rate Limiting**: Instagram’s API has rate limits in place to prevent abuse. Be cautious not to exceed these limits, or you might find yourself temporarily or permanently banned.
  • Query Hash Rotation**: Instagram periodically rotates query hashes to prevent scraping. You’ll need to update your query hash regularly to maintain access.
  • Reel Restrictions**: Some reels might be restricted due to privacy settings or other factors. Be prepared to handle errors and exceptions when encountering restricted reels.
  • Affiliate and IP Blocks**: Instagram may block affiliate links or IP addresses associated with scraping activities. Use a reliable proxy or VPN to mitigate this risk.


Retrieving hidden reels from Instagram’s feed using GraphQL query hash requires finesse and creativity. By following this guide, you’ve taken the first step in unlocking this valuable data. Remember to stay vigilant and adapt to Instagram’s ever-changing landscape. Happy scraping!

Tip Description
Use a proxy or VPN Rotate your IP address to avoid affiliate and IP blocks.
Monitor rate limits Avoid exceeding Instagram’s API rate limits to prevent bans.
Update query hashes Regularly update your query hash to adapt to Instagram’s rotations.

Now, go forth and scrape those hidden reels like a pro!Here are 5 FAQs about retrieving hidden reels in the feed using GraphQL:

Frequently Asked Question

Are you wondering if you can scrape those elusive hidden reels from the feed using GraphQL?

Can I use GraphQL to retrieve all reels, including hidden ones, from the feed?

Unfortunately, no. GraphQL’s default behavior is to only return reels that are visible to the authenticated user, which means hidden reels are excluded from the results.

Is there a specific GraphQL query or parameter that can be used to fetch hidden reels?

Nope, there isn’t a specific query or parameter that can be used to retrieve hidden reels. The `query_hash` is used to authenticate and validate the request, but it doesn’t grant access to hidden content.

Can I use a GraphQL client library to scrape hidden reels from the feed?

While a GraphQL client library can help you send requests and parse responses, it won’t magically grant you access to hidden reels. You’ll still be bound by the limitations of the GraphQL API.

Are there any workarounds or third-party services that can help me retrieve hidden reels?

While there might be some creative workarounds or third-party services that claim to offer this functionality, be cautious of their reliability and potential legal implications. Instagram’s terms of service explicitly prohibit scraping and unauthorized access to content.

What’s the takeaway from all this?

The takeaway is that, currently, it’s not possible to retrieve hidden reels from the feed using GraphQL. Be respectful of Instagram’s terms of service and focus on using the API for its intended purposes.

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